Monday, July 2, 2007

Hench’s Challenge

Your challenge is this:

You will go on a pilgrimage to the past.

There you will make a life-changing decision you must stick to for the rest of your life. Must be major, changing your hair color won’t work. Must be profound.

In this pilgrimage there must be:

a door you go through three times,

a ghost (not Petrelil, don’t even try it),

a spoon,

and you must lose one article of clothing for every hour you are in the past.

I know what you are thinking. What the polly-wog-a-ding-dong was she thinking? I’m was thinking Hench will be in his underpants when he comes back.

I’m counting on it.

Good luck, honey bee.


Henchman432 said...

Aw man. This will be tough.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A quest through time to make a life changing decision. So amazing so great. So hard for a man to even consider any of that.

This is going to be hard.

You could go back to Studio 69.

Love you all


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

And you want to see Henchy in his underpants? That is twisted.

Professor Xavier said...

I think you guys should have switched tasks.